Berlin, NJ

Parish Ministries

Supports those on their journey who desire to become Catholic through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adult process.
Contact: Deacon Bob Iuliucci at .
Marriage Preparation Team (Pre Cana)
Offers engaged couples an opportunity to begin building the foundation for their marriage journey through presentations, readings and discussions.
Contact: George & Janey Ralston via the parish office at 856-767-2563 or email .
Grief/Bereavement Ministry
Support group that meets weekly for 6-8 weeks to provide support to those who are grieving.
Contact: Agatha Cullin at 856-577-4100.
Funeral Planning Ministry
Meets with family members to plan the funeral Mass of Christian Burial. Comforts members and answer any questions. Assists the priest.
Contact: Sally Rosenbaum at 856-767-3211.
Lifelong Faith Formation for CHILDREN
Grades K-8 meet in the traditional classroom model; youth ministry grades 6-8 & grades 9-12; Vacation Bible School Summer Program.
Contact Mary Spicer at or 856-767-1537.
Follow Me
A contemporary prayerful presentation of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus presented by the youth of the parish during Holy Week.
Contact: Rich Mageheimer @ .
Altar-Rosary Society
Prays the rosary together, cares for altar linens, hosts annual fundraiser to purchase new items needed in the church.
Blanket Ministry
Crochets baby blankets for baptisms as well as for seniors who are homebound.
Contact: Gail Grabowski at or 856-767-4340.
Visits to the Sick or Homebound
Contact: Office at 856-767-2563 or email .
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Offers person-to-person service to those who are needy & suffering through a food bank, clothing and utility assistance, Thrift Store operation, holiday food baskets & toys/gifts for the needy. Volunteers needed for these services.
856-767-7391 Tues., Weds., Thurs. from 11am – 3pm.
Location & Hours
157 West White Horse Pike, Berlin, NJ 08009
Food Pantry: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 11am - 3pm
Thrift Store: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 10am - 3pm and Saturdays 10am - 1pm
Donations Accepted: Accepted on store days up to ½ hour before closing.
Knights of Columbus
Open to men of faith 18 years of age & older. Fellowship is promoted among members primarily through works of charity involving youth, parish, community, and nation. Parish activities include:
  • Easter Egg Hunt: Event for the children of our parish.
  • Blood Drive
Contact: James Pacifico at 609-744-1645 or
Living Stations of the Cross
On Good Friday, gather with us at Christ the Redeemer Parish in Atco to walk the Stations of the Cross. Cast & crew build Jerusalem and a live tableau depicting the Stations is presented. Volunteers welcome.
Contact: Deacon Bob at 856-767-2563 or
Palm Braiding
Teach others how to braid palms (or learn how to yourself) during the season of Lent.
Contact: Cindy Johnson at or 609-932-3622.
Prayer and Yoga
Early Morning Prayer and Yoga is held on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am in the Parish Meeting Center (former preschool entrance). Start your day feeling centered, refreshed, and more closely connected to God. The program is free for men and women of all fitness levels. Simply bring a yoga mat and join us!
Contact: Sue Markowitz at or call 856-685-3638.
Health Care Ministry
Our purpose is to reflect the compassionate healing love of Jesus Christ by assisting our community to achieve optimal health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit through health education, prevention programs, screenings, referrals, advocacy and other whole person, health-related services provided by Vitality Healthcare Services provided through the Diocese of Camden.
Contact: or 856-767-2563 Ext. 311.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is the largest lay apostolic organization in the Catholic Church, dedicated to evangelization. Legion members assist the pastor will the spiritual needs of the parish community.
Contact: Pat Di Maria at or 609-868-0576.
Reach Out Ministry
A team of Reach Out helpers are in place to write a little care note to those in our parish who need a bright moment in their day. If you are aware of a person who is feeling down, lonely, sick, facing surgery or just needs a happy hello, please contact Bernie Durney.
Contact: Bernie Durney at or (856)767-3122.
Respect Life Ministry
Studies issues that especially pertain to the unborn, assisted suicide and euthanasia, and seeks to educate the parish on these topics.
Contact: Lois Dark at .
Senior Ministry
Prayer and Activities for Seniors over age 65.
Contact: Barbara Hansen at or (856)767-2563 Ext. 311.
Seven Sisters Apostolate
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop—a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ.
Contact Rosemarie Manes at 215-332-2162 or 856-753-8812 or .
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry provides one-on-one, Christian-centered care to those experiencing a crisis.
Contact: Sharon or Rich Galassini at 215-651-7084 or .
Social Gathering Ministry (a.k.a. The Parish Bakers)
Supplies bake goods for church events (i.e. bake sales, receptions). Helps set up, serve and clean up social events when needed.
Contact: Marge Worthman at .

Liturgical Ministries

Art & Environment
Enhances liturgical celebrations through the use of art, plants, flowers and décor throughout the worship space.
Contact: Parish office at 856-767-2563 or
Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist
Distribute Holy Eucharist and when necessary take communion to the sick or homebound. Extraordinary ministers must be fully initiated Catholics, at least 16 years of age, who participate in the sacramental life of the Church. Training is required.
Contact: Karen Talucci at or 856-753-1755.
Readers (Lectors)
Proclaim the Word of God and on occasion the Prayers of the Faithful. Training is required.
Contact: Karen Talucci at or 856-753-1755.
Junior Readers
Parish youth who proclaim the Word of God and on occasion the Prayers of the Faithful. Readers must be in 4th grade or beyond. Training is required.
Contact: Karen Talucci at or 856-753-1755.
Altar Servers
Youth in grades 3-8 who assist the priest during liturgy and on occasion funerals and weddings. Servers must attend Mass regularly. Training is required.
Contact: Father Joseph D. Ciar at or 856-767-2563.
Masters of Ceremony
Assist the priest during liturgy.
Contact: Karen Talucci at or 856-753-1755.
Adult Choir
Lead the assembly in music and song during liturgy. Practices are Thursday evenings from 7-8:30pm. New members are always welcome to show up for rehearsal on Thursdays.
Contact: Liz Williams at or 856-304-1167.
Music Ministry
Lead the assembly in music and song during liturgy as a cantor or musician.
Contact: Liz Williams at or 856-304-1167.
Youth Choir
Sings at the 4pm Christmas Eve mass and the noon Easter Sunday mass. Open to all singers in grades 2-12.
Contact: Cindy Tedesco at .
Contemporary Choir
Young adults and adults lead the assembly through contemporary music and song. Practices are generally on Tuesday evenings.
Contact: Rich Galassini at .
Streaming Ministry
Prepare and stream the songs, reading and prayers at all Sunday Masses.
Contact: Cindy Johnson at or 609-932-3622.

Parish Ministry Contact Information

Adult Choir Liz Williams @ 856-304 -1167 or
Altar Servers Father Joseph D. Ciar @ or 856-767-2563 (Youth Grades 3-8)
Altar-Rosary Society
Art & Environment Office @ 856-767-2563 or email
Bereavement Ministry Agatha Cullin @ 856-577-4100
Blanket Ministry Gail Grabowski @ 856-767-4340 or
Blood Drive Tom Galen @ 609-206-4113 or
Contemporary Choir Rich Galassini @
Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist Karen Talucci @ 856-753-1755 or
Healthcare Ministry or 856-767-2563 Ext. 311
Junior Readers Karen Talucci @ 856-753-1755 or
Knights of Columbus James Pacifico @ 609-744-1645 or
Legion of Mary Contact: Pat Di Maria @ or 609-868-0576
Lifelong Faith Formation CHILDREN Mary Spicer @ 856-767-1537 or
Marriage Preparation Team George & Janey Ralston via the parish office at 856-767-2563 or email
Masters of Ceremony Karen Talucci @ 856-753-1755 or
Palm Braiding Cindy Johnson @ 609-932-3622
Prayer and Yoga Sue @ or call 856-685-3638
OCIA Team Deacon Bob Iuliucci @
Reach Out Ministry Contact: Bernie Durney @ or (856)767-3122
Readers (Lectors) Karen Talucci @ 856-753-1755 or
Respect Life Ministry Contact: Lois Dark @
Senior Ministry Contact: Barbara Hansen @ or (856)767-2563 Ext. 311
Seven Sisters Apostolate Contact Rosemarie Manes at 215-332-2162 or 856-753-8812 or
Stephen Ministry Contact: Sharon or Rich Galassini at 215-651-7084 or
St. Vincent de Paul Society 856-767-7391
Visits to the Sick & Homebound Office @ 856-767-2563 or email
Youth Group Deacon Michael @